Our Club Founders
LeMoyne Johnson
Dottie Favorite
Dr. Sanders
Dr. Sanders had the "pregnant idea" for the club. LeMoyne and Dottie did the groundwork to get it started. They all worked at Blake Hospital and loved photography. Although Dr. Sanders has since passed, LeMoyne and Dottie continue the passion and play key roles in our club.
It is with sincere thanks from all our members that you three brought the gift of photography to create such a unique family club built on a passion for the art of photography.
Our Club Today
Everyone who enjoys photography and is old enough to use a camera is welcome. Many of our greatest photographers started at an early age. In addition, we encourage family participation.
One of the most important endeavors of our club is education. We try to fulfill this task by our technical sessions, our field trips and also mentoring, as well as, one on one training.
We are very fortunate to have some very talented and accomplished members in our club. All of our members are willing to help and mentor all those needing assistance or just wanting to learn something new. We can match you up with the right coach.
At every meeting anyone can ask questions regarding photography. This is where we educate each other.
Want to learn photography? There is no better way than to get out there and snap photographs! There is no better place to do that than our monthly field trips. If you want to make the most of your trip, our club can assign you a mentor in order to gain much more knowledge than struggling on your own.
Suncoast Camera Club
In September 1980, a group of individuals bonded by a common interest in photography, established an organization to help them master and perpetuate this interest. The organization became known as the Suncoast Camera Club. Its founders were: Dr. Jack H. Sanders, Dr. LeMoyne F. Johnson, and Ms. Dottie Favorite.
ARTICLE I – Mission
The mission of the Suncoast Camera Club (SCC) shall be to promote the knowledge and enjoyment of photography in the membership and in the community. This shall be achieved through meetings, presentations, classes, seminars, contests, exhibits, and field trips.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Membership in SCC shall be open to all individuals who are interested in photography, have applied for membership, and have paid the club dues.
ARTICLE III – Finances
Section 1. – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the SCC shall be from January 1 through December 31.
Section 2. – Dues
The Board of Directors shall set the amount of annual dues and any required special assessments prior to the December membership meeting. Annual dues shall be payable by the December meeting of the prior year; however, there will be a grace period extending until the February meeting. New memberships that begin in the first six (6) months of a year shall pay the full annual dues amount; new memberships that begin in the second half of a year (July 1 and thereafter), shall pay half the annual dues amount.
Members shall receive a written receipt for their payment.
Failure to pay such dues and assessments shall result in loss of membership and all the privileges of participation in all SCC activities.
Any member having paid dues is counted as a member until their dues reach expiration.
Any special assessment must be presented to, and approved by, a majority of members attending a regular meeting at which such assessment is presented. The membership shall be notified via the monthly newsletter of the proposed assessment and the meeting date.
ARTICLE IV – Meetings
Section 1. – Monthly Meetings
The club shall hold regular meetings of the SCC each month unless canceled by the Board of Directors or by the President with consent of the Board. The monthly club meetings shall be held at a location selected by the Board.
Section 2. – Annual Meetings
There shall be an annual meeting held in December of each year for the purpose of electing officers and socializing. The annual meeting shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board.
Section 3. – Notice of Meetings
Advance notice of the monthly, annual, and any special meetings shall be included in the monthly newsletter. The notice shall include the date, time, and location of each meeting and the meeting agenda.
Section 4. – Quorum
With advance notice of the intent to transact business at a specific meeting, the membership attending that meeting shall, de facto, constitute the necessary quorum.
ARTICLE V – Officers
Section 1. – Officers
The officers of SCC shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. – Terms
The officers shall hold office for one (1) year and/or until their successors have been elected, or until their resignation or removal from office. The officers shall be elected by majority vote of the members attending the annual December meeting.
Section 3. – Vacancies
A vacancy in any office due to resignation, refusal, or the inability to serve, shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a member elected by a majority of the Board.
Section 4. – Duties
the group. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board.
The Vice President shall assist the President wherever needed and shall, in the absence of the President, assume the duties of the President.
The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of the business meetings of the membership and the Board. If the Secretary cannot attend a meeting, the President shall appoint a replacement to record the minutes.
The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the organization and shall be responsible for the proper receipt and disbursement of funds. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate records of the cash flows and financial position of the organization and shall present a report thereof at each Board meeting.
The officers shall perform such other duties as the Board shall request.
ARTICLE VI. – Board of Directors
Section 1. – Membership
The Board of Directors shall consist of the current officers, current committee chairs, and all past Presidents and SCC Founders.
The President shall be chair of the Board.
Section 2. – Duties and Powers
The Board shall be responsible for the planning and management of the property and programs of the organization.
The Board shall approve the rules for all contests sponsored by the club.
Section 3. – Meetings
The Board shall hold regular Board meetings at a time and place determined by the President with a minimum of four (4) meetings per year.
The Board shall select the time and place for each of its regular meetings.
The President shall call a special meeting of the Board upon the request of at least three (3) members of the Board who deem it necessary. The President or Secretary shall provide the Board members at least five (5) days’ notice of any special meeting.
Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken by means of electronic communication. Participation in a meeting by these means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting. Any action taken by the officers during the meeting under this section shall be duly recorded among the minutes of the proceedings of such meeting.
The minutes of such meeting shall be distributed to the officers of the club within ten (10) days of such meeting.
Section 4. – Quorum and Voting
A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Each member of the Board shall have one (1) vote.
Section 5. – Resignation
The resignation of directors shall be in writing and shall take effect upon receipt by the Board.
Section 6. – Removal
The unexcused absence of a director from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board may be deemed cause for removal.
ARTICLE VII – Committees
Section 1. – Standing Committees
All standing committees are created and approved by the SCC Board of Directors. Committees are defined in job descriptions (attached).
Section 2. – Appointments
The President shall appoint all committee chairs subject to the approval of the Board. The committee chairs shall appoint members to their committees as needed.
Section 3. – Term of Office
The chair and members of all standing committees shall serve for a term of one (1) year beginning in January.
ARTICLE VIII – Nominations and Elections
Section 1. – Nominations
A Nominating Committee consisting of Board members shall be appointed by the President to prepare a slate of candidates for the offices and ascertain their willingness to serve prior to the November membership meeting. This slate shall be presented at the November meeting and published in the November edition of the newsletter.
Nominations shall be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting, provided that any such nominees have agreed to serve if elected. Such nominations shall require seconding from the floor.
Section 2. – Voting
The new officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting. The election shall be by show of hands unless any member requests a secret ballot.
ARTICLE IX – Review and Amendment of By-Laws
Section 1. – By-Laws Review
A By-Laws Committee appointed by the Board of Directors shall review these By-Laws at least every six (6) years.
Section 2. – Amendment of the By-Laws
These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular membership meeting. Any proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the President and signed by at least two (2) members of the Board. The proposed amendment shall be voted on by the Board and, if approved, shall be posted in the newsletter. The proposed amendment shall then be presented and voted on at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting. The Secretary shall maintain copies of all approved amendments to the By-Laws.
ARTICLE X – Rules of Order
Section 1. – All meetings of the membership and Board shall be guided by Robert’s Rules of Order (last revision) except when in conflict with these By-Laws.
March 1, 2024
By-Laws approved by the SCC Board of Directors on the date of __March 7, 2024___________
with amendments through the date of __March 1, 2024___________________________by SCC Board of Directors vote of ___10______approve, ____ 0 (1 absent) _________reject (majority).
By-Laws approved by the SCC Membership on the date of ____March 14, 2024_____________
SCC Membership vote of _______16__________approve, ________0________ reject
Quorum _____22________(2/3 of members present).
President ____________Joey Stewart_______________________date______3-14-2024_______
Vice President ________Robert E. Carawan Jr._______________ date _____3-14-2024_______
Secretary ____________Judy Zelio________________________ date _____3-13-2024_______
Treasurer ____________Linda O’Connor-Levy_______________ date _____3-13-2024_______
The President:
Presides at all Board meetings with previously prepared agenda.
Presides at all membership meetings and welcomes all guests or designates a replacement to do so.
Oversees the activities of the Committee chairs.
Addresses and resolves any problems within the club and with its meeting location.
The Vice President:
Presides over all meetings of the Board and membership in the absence of the President.
Communicates with and assists the President as necessary.
The Secretary:
Attends all Board and membership meetings. If the Secretary is unable to attend, the President shall designate someone to take minutes of the meetings.
Takes comprehensive minutes at each Board meeting.
Writes and distributes minutes of each meeting to Board members before the next meeting. Minutes shall be e-mailed to each Board member.
Corrects and updates minutes as needed.
Dates and signs all minutes presented to Board members.
Provides a written copy of the minutes to be added to the club’s Archives.
The Treasurer:
Collects dues starting at the December meeting of the prior year when the club’s fiscal year begins January 1, and keeps a list of people who have paid dues to serve as an accurate account of membership.
Pays club bills from the SCC checking account. A signature card must be set up with the current bank for the Treasurer and one other club officer. The Treasurer records all bills paid and why. A copy of receipts for purchases should be saved for at least two (2) years and kept in a place for easy reference. Receipts for all major purchases such as computers, projectors, etc. should be kept for as long as these purchases are kept.
Reports financial information at regular Board meetings, including money collected, bills paid, and ending balances of the club’s checking account. The financial report should be easy to understand and the Treasurer open to answering questions about it.
Delegates Treasurer’s duties to the Secretary if necessary.
The Membership Chair:
Distributes club cards and/or promotional materials at club meetings and places around the community.
Encourages visitors to join the club. Has guests fill out an informational sheet.
Attends Board meetings monthly.
Provides sign-in sheets for people attending club meetings.
Has name tags for members and visitors.
Develops activities to increase the club’s membership.
The Newsletter Chair:
Publishes a monthly newsletter and distributes the newsletter via e-mail.
Keep an up-to-date e-mail list of all members and potential members.
Takes photos of 8x10 contest winners for newsletter publication.
The 8x10 Contest Chair:
Receives contest entries at each monthly meeting.
Ensures that each photo entry has entrant’s name and photo name on its back.
Completes the following before displaying photos:
Entry ticket with position number and photo name.
Entry list with position number and entrant’s name.
Tallies votes for each photo after voting is completed.
Enters results on entry list.
Presents 1st through 3rd place ribbons.
The Slideshow Chair:
Receives photos for the slideshow via e-mail attachments from members.
Ensures the Slideshow Chair’s e-mail address is distributed to club members via the newsletter.
Provides directions in the newsletter to club members for submitting photos, as follows:
Submit photos to the Slideshow Chair as e-mail attachments.
Label photos with member’s name and monthly theme or field trip.
Photo format should be JPEG.
Photo size should be 1024 x 768 pixels (preferably).
Members should submit photos by the 1st of each month to allow the Slideshow Chair time to organize the photos, place them in the slideshow software, and find music to fit the show’s length of time.
Prepares the slideshow: Consolidates photos received from members into two groups, monthly theme and field trip. Places the photos into presenter software.
Presents the slideshows at monthly meetings.
Loads the slideshows into on-line programs such as YouTube, Facebook, etc. if appropriate.
Works with the Program Chair on electronic programming for the membership meetings.
The Program Chair:
Sets up an events/meeting calendar late in the year, in cooperation with the Board. Some meetings do not require a program or presentation because of special club events. Identifies the months that do require programs.
Identifies possible presenters with assistance from Board members. Gets as much biographical information as possible for introductory purposes.
Contacts potential presenters. If they agree to speak, schedules them and provides them with pertinent information such as meeting location, time to arrive and set up, allotted speaking time, and needed equipment. Informs them about the honorarium of $50. Contact should be by e-mail.
Provides program information to the Newsletter Chair for inclusion in the newsletter ahead of the monthly meeting.
Confirms again with the presenter when meeting time nears, providing all relevant information by e-mail.
Notifies the Slideshow Chair what equipment will be used for the program.
Meets and greets the presenter at the meeting.
Gives the presenter the honorarium check provided by the Treasurer.
Sends an e-mail thank you to the presenter.
The Field Trip Chair:
Sets up a monthly field trip or field trips to destinations selected with input from club members. Trips should have an educational experience.
Prepares announcements about field trips for the newsletter and/or for “blast” messages.
Presents the field trip information at club membership meetings.
Encourages members to ask questions about camera operation, settings, and composition.
The Website Chair:
Maintains the club’s Website(s) by paying annual fees for the domain and Website. Payment should be made with SCC funds.
Ensures that SCC records include contact information for the Website operation.
Edits the Website monthly.
Coordinates with relevant club members to update SCC Web information, including meeting dates and locations, field trips, programs, and other club activities.
The Displays and Competitions Chair:
Researches and identifies photography contests of interest and relevance to SCC.
Prepares information about relevant photography contests and shares it with club members via the monthly newsletter.
Finds and visits community locations, e.g. art centers, senior centers, libraries, and other places with potential for photography displays.
Gains permission to display SCC photos and information.
Installs and removes SCC display photographs with the assistance of other club members.
The Archive Chair:
Keeps and maintains an ongoing record of the club’s history, specifically copies of Board meeting minutes, monthly newsletters, and publicity about club members.